Drowning the Daffodils (A Heavenly Highland Inn Cozy Mystery) Page 3
“Hello?” Mike called out as he stepped into the lobby. “What's going on here? Why is there an ambulance and police?”
“It's Simon,” Jane gasped out as she looked up at Mike with tears flowing down her cheeks. “He drowned in the pool.”
“Drowned?” Mike stammered as he accepted Jane into his arms. “What are you talking about? Simon can swim!”
“Nobody can swim when they're that drunk,” Alina muttered rather callously.
“Alina,” Lawrence said reproachfully.
“Well, it's true,” Alina huffed as she shook her head. “He probably passed out drunk and fell in the pool. That's why it's an accident, right Vicky?” she asked as she met Vicky's eyes. “I mean, a grown man doesn't just drown without a reason.”
Vicky shifted uncomfortably and cleared her throat. “Well, that is the theory,” she admitted as she glanced from Alina to Lawrence. “If he had passed out he probably didn't experience any pain,” she offered, hoping to reassure him. She couldn't imagine the pain of a father losing his son.
“No way,” Jane shook her head sharply. “Simon would never get that drunk.”
Lawrence was silent for a long moment before he nodded slowly. “He was drinking much more than usual, I…” he closed his eyes and grimaced. “I knew this weekend was a mistake. We never should have gone through with it.”
“No one could have known,” Alina murmured and seemed a little dazed as she held tightly to her husband. “No one could have known.”
Vicky stayed with them until they decided to return to their rooms. Vicky offered them a full refund if they decided to end their stay at the inn early.
“I just want to see him,” Jane said with a shaking voice. “I don't think I'll be able to believe it without seeing him.”
“Okay,” Vicky nodded and wrapped an arm loosely around her shoulders. She knew that the rest of the Carters were not exactly kind to her. “I'll call someone to drive you, okay?”
“Yes,” Jane sniffled as Vicky led her into the waiting area of the lobby where there were a few plush couches.
Once Jane was settled on a couch, Vicky glanced back up at the rest of the family in time to see Lawrence arguing sharply with Mike. Vicky couldn't catch what they were saying, but she didn't find it too surprising. Perhaps they were debating whether they should have stopped Simon from drinking so much.
A few minutes later a cab arrived to drive Jane to the morgue. Vicky thought about joining her, but she wasn't sure if that would be overstepping, and she still had to manage the inn as Sarah had already gone home to return to her family. Vicky sighed as she watched Jane descend the steps on the porch. Just hours before she had been looking forward to spending the weekend organizing the reunion, now she wondered if she would be capable of helping the Carter family with their unexpected loss.
The inn was fairly quiet for the rest of the day. There were only a few other guests that were staying that weekend. One out-of-state couple who had chosen the inn to celebrate their honeymoon, and Vicky had not heard a peep from them since they checked in. Another guest, Wilbur Arbor, was a regular at the inn and usually didn't need too much attention.
In fact, Vicky didn't see anyone until Aunt Ida returned from a nap in her room. The excitement of finding the body had exhausted her, she claimed. But Vicky knew better. She had probably run off to text all of her friends in the murder-mystery book club she had recently begun hosting. She had a knack for solving crimes, and often pulled Vicky right into the middle of it. But this wasn't a murder mystery. This was an accident, one that Vicky couldn't help feeling partially responsible for. Maybe if she hadn't brought out that extra bottle of wine, maybe if she had asked them to move along before they were all so drunk, then Simon would still be alive.
Vicky knew it wasn't her responsibility, but she couldn't help but feel a little guilty. If she hadn't been so bent on not having to hear about Jane not being of the right 'class' she might have discovered Simon earlier and been able to save him. There were so many possibilities. When she locked up the inn for the night she took a moment to look out over the pool. In the moonlight it looked so beautiful, it was hard to believe that something so horrible had happened there today.
When she stepped into her apartment she felt the emptiness of it. She always lived alone, however, whenever she came home for the night there was always the potential of inviting Mitchell over. She liked that idea, that knowing that she didn't have to be alone if she didn't want to be. But she also valued her alone time. She took a long, hot shower to try to wash away the events of the day, slipped into some soft pajamas and climbed into bed.
As Vicky lay there she thought about Mitchell, what her life would be like without him. In a split-second Jane's life had been forever changed. The future that she had counted on had vanished without her having any ability to change it. As a result it made Vicky think about what her future would be like without Mitchell as part of it. She didn't like the idea of it too much. Mitchell was more than just a boyfriend, he was an incredibly good friend to her. He had guided her through more than one difficult occasion and been very patient with her when she felt the need to pull away.
Vicky turned on her side and stared at her cell phone on the bedside table. Her mind raced with thoughts of whether she should call him. She was still thinking about it when her phone began to ring. She knew it was him without having to check. Not many other people would dare to call her so late. As she picked up the phone, still debating as to whether she should answer it, she thought about what it would be like if she had been the one to call, and have him not answer. She answered quickly.
“Mitchell?” she murmured as she lay back against the bed.
“I'm here,” he replied and the tension in his voice was thick. “I'm sorry I know I probably shouldn't have called.”
“Why not?” Vicky pushed with a sudden sense of desperation. “It was just one fight,” she pointed out.
“Was that all it was?” Mitchell asked, and he sounded as nervous as she felt. “I wasn't sure what to think, Vicky. The way you just asked me to leave. You've never done that before.”
“I know,” Vicky replied quietly. “I let things escalate, and it shouldn't have happened.”
“No, it shouldn't have,” Mitchell agreed. “But I played a part in that too, I think.”
“Maybe you did,” Vicky replied in a whisper.
“I still want to know Vicky, nothing has changed,” he explained hesitantly. “I just want to know where you stand.”
“Just give me some time, Mitchell,” Vicky replied as her heart pounded.
“Take as much time as you need,” Mitchell replied though his voice had a slight edge to it. “I'll be here,” he hung up the phone, and left Vicky staring uneasily at the ceiling.
Chapter Four
Early the next morning Vicky made sure that a full breakfast buffet was available for the Carter family. It didn't surprise her however when no one came down for breakfast. She decided that she would offer to bring the breakfast directly to their rooms. As she was heading for the elevator, Aunt Ida waved to her from across the lobby.
“Vicky, I want to talk to you,” she said as she hurried over to her.
“Ride up with me,” Vicky suggested. “I just want to check in with the Carters and see if they want some breakfast in their rooms.”
“Okay,” Aunt Ida agreed as she stepped into the elevator with Vicky. “I have to tell you about this dream I had,” she said with increasing urgency.
“Dream?” Vicky asked with a frown as she glanced at her aunt. She failed to see how a dream could be so important.
“Yes, it was you and I and Sarah and we were flying,” Aunt Ida explained as the elevator began to move. “It was really very beautiful.”
“It sounds beautiful,” Vicky agreed, though her brows were creased with confusion. “Is it supposed to mean something?”
“Well, I woke up and I couldn't get back to sleep no matter how har
d I tried. So, I took a stroll through the lobby to try to wear myself out. I found Will sitting down there just staring into space.”
“Wilbur?” Vicky asked with curiosity. “Was he okay?” she asked as she held the elevator door open for her aunt.
“He looked very upset. So, I sat with him and we talked a bit. He said that he needed to talk to you today,” she replied.
“All right, well once I'm through here we'll see if we can find him so we can find out what's going on. More importantly, Aunt Ida please don't wander the inn at night. I know it's your home, but I worry about you,” Vicky frowned as she studied her aunt intently.
“Oh sweetie, you don't need to worry about me,” Aunt Ida assured her. Vicky walked towards Jane's room. She wanted to make sure that she was okay since she knew the Carters were not very friendly to her.
Aunt Ida was still talking about her black belt and ability to defend herself when Vicky heard a voice she didn't expect. Vicky grabbed Aunt Ida by the elbow and motioned silently for her to stop. She had heard Mike's voice inside the room that she knew was assigned to Jane.
“What are you talking about?” Mike growled loud enough to be heard through the door. “You can't do this Jane, you just can't.”
“I think it's time the truth came out,” Jane countered, her own voice rising with emotion. “Simon is gone now, why can't we just be honest about it?”
“What do you think this will do to my family?” Mike demanded, his voice growing more aggravated. “Are you really that stupid, Jane? So Simon is dead, that doesn't change anything.”
“Why?” Jane asked with desperation. “I don't want to keep lying to everyone.”
“It doesn't matter what you want,” Mike nearly shouted back. “You'll keep your mouth shut, and you'll keep right on lying. Do you understand me?”
Vicky's eyes widened at the intensity of his response. She felt uncomfortable listening in without interfering, but she was also shocked. From what she heard, it sounded like Mike and Jane had been having an affair. Had Mike been sleeping with his brother's fiancée?
“Please Mike,” Jane said with tears in her voice. “Don't be angry with me.”
“I'm sorry,” Mike replied in a softer tone. “I'm sorry. I didn't expect any of this either. But you need to remember to keep this secret. Understand?”
“I understand,” Jane replied shakily. As Vicky heard heavy footsteps approaching the door of the room she whisked Aunt Ida down the hallway and out of sight. Once she was sure that Mike wouldn't spot them, she turned to her aunt.
“Did you hear what I heard?” she asked with wide eyes.
“I sure did,” Aunt Ida replied with a cluck of her tongue. “With a family of jackals like that, that poor boy never stood a chance.”
“But it looked like an accident, do you really think it might have been murder? If it was, do you think Mike could kill his own brother?” Vicky asked with a slight shake of her head. “I never pegged him for a cold-blooded killer.”
“I'm sure Simon never expected that he was sleeping with his fiancée either,” Aunt Ida pointed out. “Mike’s wife also seems smitten with him,” she added.
“Well, no matter what anyone thinks of him, I think Mike just showed us his true colors,” Vicky said as she folded her arms across her chest.
“I think Jane did, too,” Aunt Ida pointed out.
“Maybe Lawrence is right,” Vicky said with disappointment. “Maybe she really is just after the family money. She decided one brother wasn't enough and decided to have a relationship with both to make sure that she would have a life of wealth.”
“Maybe,” Aunt Ida nodded and then frowned.
Vicky glanced down the hallway to be sure that it was clear. The door to Jane's room was closed and there was no one in the hallway. As she walked with Aunt Ida back to the elevator she sighed. It seemed like the Carter family had more skeletons than she could have anticipated.
As soon as Vicky and Aunt Ida returned to the lobby Vicky spotted Wilbur Arbor standing beside the front desk.
“Vicky, could I talk to you for a minute?” Will asked as he leaned heavily on the counter in the lobby. Vicky was eager to look through the camera feed from the pool the day before. She planned on reviewing it anyway for insurance purposes, but now she was very curious. She wondered if the cameras might have caught something more than an accident. As she walked behind the desk, Wilbur kept his gaze on her. Ida paused beside him and offered him a warm smile.
“Sure Will, what is it that you need?” Vicky asked as she managed a smile and looked in his direction. When she saw his expression she knew it would not be anything good.
“I'm sorry to bother you,” he said quietly. “But I heard about what happened to that young fellow yesterday, and well, I think I should tell you about something I saw.”
“Oh?” Vicky asked and leaned forward on the counter. “What is it Will?”
“Well, I heard some commotion beneath my window. I like to look out over the pool, you know,” he smiled.
“I know,” Vicky replied as he had a reserved booking on the same room every time he stayed at the inn.
“I heard this commotion and I looked out the window, and I saw these two men. One of them was the young fellow that died yesterday, the other, I could only see the back of his head,” he shook his head slightly.
“Well, a lot of the Carters were out by the pool yesterday,” Vicky said calmly.
“But they weren't just talking,” Will said firmly. “I saw the other man wrap his hands around the young fellow. It looked like he was trying to choke him!”
“Oh,” Vicky said, her eyes widening. “Are you sure?” she asked hesitantly. Will wore very thick glasses, and even with those he was known for not having the best vision. “Maybe they were hugging or just playing around?” she suggested.
“No,” Will said firmly and looked into Vicky's eyes. “I know what I saw,” he stabbed his finger sharply against the counter. “They weren't playing around. I almost called the police. I went to get my phone. But when I came back, I didn't see the men anymore. I didn't see the young fellow in the pool either,” he frowned. “So, I just assumed the fight had ended. But when I heard that he was dead, I just knew I had to say something.”
“Well, I'm glad you did,” Vicky replied with a patient smile. “I’ll look into it.”
“You'll just look into it?” Will asked with mounting aggravation. “I'm telling you I think I witnessed a murder,” Will said more urgently.
“Now Will,” Vicky said calmly as she looked at him. “We don't know what you saw…”
“Vicky,” Aunt Ida said sharply as she walked up behind Will. “If Will says he saw someone attacking poor Simon, then he saw it.”
“I'm sorry Aunt Ida, but we can't be certain,” Vicky explained as she frowned. “Even if Will did see someone attacking Simon, we still don't know who it was. That's why I'm looking through what the cameras recorded yesterday to see if there's anything captured on video,” she looked back at Will. “Will, I will make sure your information gets passed onto the police. If Mitchell has more questions for you, I'll let you know.”
Will huffed a little as he could tell that Vicky wasn't taking him too seriously. Aunt Ida looped her arm through his and patted the back of his hand lightly.
“Don't worry, Will, we'll spend some time together,” she suggested. “Have I shown you my new tattoo?” she grinned as she led Will back towards the restaurant.
Vicky cringed and then pulled out her cell phone. She frowned as she looked at the phone. She needed to give Mitchell the information just in case, but she wasn't looking forward to talking with him. Normally it was her favorite thing to do, but things were so tense between them that she felt guilty every time she talked to him.
Before she called Mitchell she decided to check the cameras. When she pulled up the feed on the computer screen she grimaced. The picture was grainy and it was difficult to tell what anything was in the image.
Still, she rewound it to the day before in the window of time that she believed Simon's death had taken place. As she did she noticed the two men that Wilbur had witnessed. One of the men was not wearing a hat. He was clearly Simon. The other man was wearing a hat, but his back was to the camera. The man in the cap raised his hands as if he might try to strangle Simon, but instead he just waved them with frustration. From the angle that Wilbur had been looking it was possible that it looked like the man in the cap was strangling Simon.
The man in the cap stalked off across the lawn towards the parking lot. Simon sat down on one of the chairs and opened a beer. He was drinking it when a figure appeared from off screen. He must have been standing directly in front of the camera because the image was very blurred. She caught a glimpse of Simon standing up. Then she saw what could have been a struggle. Then the figure moved away from the camera, and there was no one in view. Vicky guessed that during the time the camera was blocked Simon had been pushed into the pool. There was no sound on the recording so she had no idea if there was a verbal argument or a splash. She rolled it back, and watched it again hoping to discover something about the blurred figure. But there was no way to decipher anything.
The one thing the recording did give was a time stamp of the murder. It happened at exactly four fifteen. With this information she decided to run things by Wilbur again. She would then contact Mitchell and hand over the tapes. She wanted to know if he could recall the time he had seen the fight, and whether he had any idea of who the man in the baseball cap was. She found Aunt Ida and Wilbur in the restaurant with fresh cups of coffee and bagels.
“Hi, mind if I sit?” Vicky asked as she smiled.
“Please do,” Wilbur said and got to his feet while Vicky took her seat, then he sat back down.
“Listen Wilbur, I want to talk to you…” Vicky began, but her phone ringing interrupted her.
“Excuse me,” she said to Wilbur and Aunt Ida as Ida replenished their coffee mugs. Aunt Ida nodded as Vicky stepped away from the table.